Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What About Your Nursing Area

Once you've reached the third trimester, you'll probably start stocking up on nursing bras, breast pads, and loose button down shirts for the coming months ahead.  While getting ready to breast feed, you can also create your personal area, a custom designed breast feeding area for yourself.

Your nursing area should reflect your personality. If you like a loud, yet friendly surrounding, you should consider setting in a corner of the living room or family room.  Keep an extra chair or two near you so family members or even friends can keep you company.

If you prefer peace and quiet, a cozy study or empty guest room would be ideal.  You can close the door, dim the lights down, then take a few deep, calming breaths while you breast feed.

Your own chairNo matter if it's a glider, overstuffed recliner, or desk chair with wheels, you should make sure your nursing chair is very comfortable.  You'll be sitting in the chair for hours each day, so you'll want it to be very comfortable.  You should always look for one that offers back and shoulder support, along with arm rests.

Support underfootYou can use a footstool, low coffee table or a stack of pillows to elevate your feet as you breast feed.  If you raise your legs and feet to bring your baby to your breast, you'll avoid possible backache.

Pillows and more pillowsYour neck, arms, feet, and back will need as much support as you can give, so don't hesitate to surround your body with pillows.  If you lay a pillow across your lap for your baby to lay on, he'll be very comfortable and that much closer to your nipple.  For extra comfort, you can even purchase a specially made nursing pillow that will encircle your waist.

Table for oneYou should always keep a small table or stand within arm's length of your breast feeding chair. What you use should be big enough to hold a coaster and glass of liquid.  Some women prefer to drink through a straw, while others prefer to drink from the glass. 

You'll also want to keep healthy snacks on hand as well, such as fresh fruit, nuts, or crackers and peanut butter to help you replace the energy you use while you breast feed.

DistractionsIf your baby is a slow eater or has a really big appetite, you may want to keep yourself busy while he feeds.  You can fill the shelves of a nearby cupboard or bookcase with your favorite books or crossword puzzles to occupy yourself until your baby is full. You should also keep a phone nearby as well so that you can talk to family or friends to pass the time.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Weaning From Breast Feeding

When your baby has stopped breast feeding and gets all of his nutrition from other sources than the breast, he's actually considered weaned.  Even though babies are also weaned from the bottle as well, the term weaning often refers to when a baby is stopped from breast feeding.

When weaning is a mother's idea, it normally requires a lot of patience and can take time, depending on the age of your baby or toddler, and also how well your child adjusts.  The overall experience is different for everyone.

Weaning is a long goodbye, sometimes emotional and sometimes painful.  It doesn't however, signal fo the end to the intimacy you and your child have developed during the nursing stage.  What it means, is that you have to replace breast feeding with other types of nourishment. 

Starting weaningYour the best judge as to when it's the right time to wean, and you don't really have a deadline unless you and your child are actually ready to wean.  The recommended time for weaning is one year.  No matter what relatives, friends, or even complete strangers tell you, there is no right or wrong time for weaning.

How to weanYou should proceed slowly, regardless of what the age of your child may be.  Experts say that you shouldn't abruptly withhold your breast, as they results can be traumatic.  You should however, try these methods instead:

1.  Skip a feeding - Skip a feeding and see what happens, offering a cup of milk to your baby instead.  As a substitue, you can use a bottle of your own pumped milk, formula, or a cow's milk.  If you reduce feedings one at a time, your child will eventually adjust to the changes.
2.  Shorten feeding time - You can start by cutting the length of time your child is actually at the breast.  If the normal feeding time is 5 minuts, try 3.  Depending on the age, follow the feeding with a healthy snack.  Bed time feedings are usually the hardest to wean, as they are normally the last to go.

3.  Postpone and distract - You can postpone feedings if you are only feeding a couple of times per day.  This method works great if  you have an older child you can actually reason with.  If your child wants the breast, say that you'll feed later then distract him. 

If you've tried everything and weaning doesn't seem to be working at all, maybe the time just isn't right.  You can wait just a bit longer to see what happens, as your child and you have to determine the right time to wean together.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The First Six Weeks

Breast milk is the best food you can give to your baby.  Breast milk is a complete food source, containing all the nutrients your baby need - at least 400 of them to be exact, including hormones and disease fighting compounds that aren't found in formula.

The nutritional makeup in breast milk will adjust to your baby's needs as he or she grows and develops.  Aside from the brain building, infection fighting benefits of breast milk, which no formula can match, nursing will also help to build a special bond between you and your baby.  When nursing, your child thrives on the contact, cuddling, and holding - which you will as well.

Since breast feedings can take up to 40 minutes or more, you should pick a cozy spot for nursing.  The atmosphere is very important, even more so in the early days of breast feeding when you're still trying to get the hang of it.  If you get easily distracted by noise, go somewhere quiet.

You should always hold your baby in a position that won't leave your arms or back sore.  It works the best to support the back of your baby's head with your hand, although which position you choose depends on what's more comfortable to you.

When supporting your baby, a nursing pillow can sometimes be a big help.  You should never feed until both you and your baby are comfortable. Pay attention to how your breasts feel when your baby latches on, as his mouth should cover most of the areola below the nipple, and the nipple should be far back into your baby's mouth.

While some women adjust to breast feeding easily, other moms find it hard to learn. If you feel discouraged, always know that you aren't the only one.  Everyone feels different when starting, it all depends on the mother and the situation.

Breast feeding will take practice.  Therefore, you should give yourself as much time as you need to get it down to second nature.  Always take it one feeding at a time.  If you are having a bad day, tell yourself that it'll get better.  Keep in mind that any problems are temporary, as you'll be nursing like a pro by your six week postpartum checkup.

The first six weeks will be both an adventure and training.  You can't expect to know everything when you begin, which is where training and practice will really help you excel.  The more you breast feed, the more you'll learn.  You'll also build a bond  with your baby - which is something you'll always have for the rest of your lives.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

When To Start Feeding Your Baby With Solid Food

Breast milk is all your baby will need until at  least 4 months of age.  There does come a time, when breast milk will no longer supply all of your baby's nutrition needs.  Full term babies will start to require iron from other sources by 6 - 9 months of age. 

Some babies that aren't started on solid foods by the age of 9 - 12 months may have a great level of difficulty accepting solid foods.  It's actually a developmental milestone when your child starts solid foods - as he is now growing up.

When to start
The ideal time to begin solid foods is when the baby shows interest in starting.  Some babies will show interest in solid food when it's on their parents' plates, as early as 4 months of age.  By 5 - 6 months, most babies will reach out and try to grab the food. When the baby starts to reach for food, it's normally the time to go ahead and give him some.

Sometimes, it may be a better idea to start food earlier.  When a baby seems to get hungry or once weight gain isn't continuing at the desired rate, it may be good to start solid foods as early as 3 months.  It may be possible however, to continue breast feeding alone and have the baby less hungry or growing more rapidly.

Breast fed babies will digest solid foods better and earlier than artificially fed babies because the breast milk will contain enzymes which help to digest fats, proteins, and starch.  Breast fed babies will also have had a variety of different tastes in their life, since the flavors of many foods the mother eats will pass into her milk.

Introducing solid foods
When the baby begins to take solid foods at the age of 5 - 6 months, there is very little difference what he starts will or what order it is introduced. You should however, avoid spicy foods or highly allergenic foods at first, although if your baby reaches for the potato on your plate, you should let him have it if it isn't too hot.

Offer your baby the foods that he seems to be interested in.  Allow your baby to enjoy the food and don't worry too much about how much he takes at first, as much of it may end up on the floor or in his hair anyhow.

The easiest way to get iron for your baby at 5 - 6 months of age is by giving him meat. Cereal for infants has iron, although it is poorly absorbed and may cause your baby to get constipated.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Returning To Work And Breast Feeding

Once you return to work, you can continue to feed.  If you live close to work or have an on site daycare, you may be able to breast feed during your breaks.  If that isn't possible, you have 2 choices:

1.  Keep your milk supply by using a high quality automatic electric breast pump to express milk during the day.  Save your milk that you collect for your baby sitter. 

2.  If you don't want to or can't pump at work, you can gradually replace daytime feedings with formula while your at home but still continue to nurse at night and in the morning.  The milk your body produces may not be enough to keep your baby satisfied, even if you only need enough for 2 feedings.

Advantages of pumping at work
Pumping at work will help stimulate your production of milk, so you'll have plenty available when it comes time to feed.  You can also collect the milk you pump, so your baby will have the health and nutritional benefits of breast milk even when you aren't there.  To make things better, pumping can be an ideal way to feel a connection to your baby during the work day.

Although it can seem like a hassle, many mothers find that the benefits of breast pumping far outweight the inconvenience.

To manage pumping at work, you'll need to have the following:

1.  Breast pump, preferably a fully automatic electric pump with a double collection kit so you can pump both breasts simultaneously.

2.  Bottles or bags for collecting and storing the milk.

3.  Access to a refrigerator or cooler to keep the milk cold until you return home.

4.  Breast pads to help protect your clothes if you start to leak.

Make sure that you get used to pumping before you return to work, so you'll know what to expectand how it feels.  You'll be much more confident with pumping at work if you already know that you can produce enough milk. 

At work, you'll want to have somewhere that's away from everyone else when you pump, such as an empty office or empty room.  This way, you'll be away from everyone else and you can have the quiet tranquility you need to pump.  In most offices, this shouldn't be a problem.

For the time frame, you'll want to pump every 2 - 3 hours if possible.  If you can't, every 4 hours or so will have to suffice.  After you have finished pumping, store the milk in the bags or bottles, clean yourself up, then go back to work.  When you return home, you can feed the milk to your growing baby.